Design the Meeting Everyone is Eager to Attend – Insights to Element 1: PREPARE

November 26, 2013

Effective meeting design is the artful expression of today’s creative leader. Thoughtful preparation is key to generating the results you want to create within your team, project, department, and organization.Bad_Meeting_square

Reports show that the average worker loses at much as 31 hours a month to unproductive meetings. That’s four work days each month.  Half of all meetings are unnecessary.

The multitasking environment of today often leaves little room for focusing on what’s important in organizing, designing, and leading effective meetings. Meeting leaders are often stymied in the land of overwhelm spinning on the hamster wheel of too many meetings, too little time, too little attention, and too few meaningful results. Futility and frustration permeate the collective response to meetings.

Ultimately inefficient meetings cost organizations billions of dollars each year in otherwise productive employee work time!

Sound familiar?

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can make a difference. Try something new!

From our Designing Effective Meetings: Ten Essential ElementsSM program you will learn and experience ten vital elements fundamental to designing effective meetings.

From Element 1: PREPARE:936211_f496

There’s an old saying that “folks don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan” which relates to the 5P’s for success:  Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. The focus of this first element set you and your team up for success.

The essence of PREPARE is to make ready beforehand for a specific purpose.

Ask yourself these critical questions:

  1. What is at stake for the team/organization?
  2. Is the meeting necessary?
  3. Who should attend and what are their roles/responsibilities

In complex and stressful situations, intention meeting design creates an environment that engages participants for greater impact.